
Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

essay oh essay

# kelas writing itu ibarat kelas metopel. sungguh membutuhkan sinyal otak dengan daya frekuensi yang tinggi biar mudeng. kekekeke. 1 semester ini aku bisa akhirnya. kekeke. alhamdulillah, dan bersama kawanku Aya, kami bangga, kami bisa nulis 5 paragraf bahasa inggris dengan modal memeras otak. kekeke. tinggal final assignmentnya aja yang pake ujian pendadaran. ga papa yang essay ini dinikmatin dulu aja. kekekeke.. kami bahagia dan bangga.. meski belepotan biarin, ini dah di cek sama dosen pembimbingnya. jiaaaaaah

source :

CSR (Company Social Responsibility) and The Companies

If you take something, you have to put it back at the right place, for the balance. I ever read that statement from anonymous. When it related with our natural resources which has been exploitation by companies, so the companies have to responsible because of their activities. Carrol (1979) stated that Firms have responsibilities to societies including economic, legal, ethical and discretionary (or philanthropic), and ; Donaldson and Dunfee ( 1999) also explained There is a tacit social contract between the firm and society; the contract bestows certain rights in exchange for certain responsibilities. Now days, the companies realize they have to take new action for companies strategy, not only for the companies benefits but also for their stakeholder. The stakeholder in  now days have a high concern for natural resources and environmental. The companies should be responsible for the impacts. They have made to the environment and society by apply in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs, such as give the donation contribution, environment revitalization, do volunteer activities (
Most of the companies apply they responsibility by giving the donation for their society. The facts are in 2005 there are big companies who invest Rp2,08 quintillion and they have profit at that region, in other hand 157.000 elementary kids can not school, 4,65 million citizens in poor, and 2,54 million citizens joblessness (data from CSR, Taufikur Rahman, 2012). Each company usually gives donation for education world such as giving scholarship for the poor student and the best achiever student. Other ways of taking the responsibility are caring about health world. The companies give the fake legs for physical defect for people and nutrient mending for Indonesia kids. These beneficial actions for the people are part of the responsibilities of the company.
The companies activities operation is frequently in environment, so they do environment revitalization as one of the responsibilities. The data from Taufikur Rahman, 2012, stated that after 2000, Mandor Game reserve have minimum big trees, the ecology disaster never stop, and there are gold miner do illegal operation there. The companies usually do reforestation for new natural sources. The action of it for the example their program to plant thousands trees or to save the mangrove forest. The companies now days concern about environment conservation, such as recycle the garbage and how to save the energy. Some of the companies do the training for citizens how to recycle garbage to be beneficial product, and the other ways they make an advertisement for save the energy. The environment revitalization makes the companies prove they concern about environment.
Some companies also have other ways to show their responsibility, like doing volunteer activities. One of the reason the companies do CSR because they have internal motif for their business, they have aware for grow and develop together with citizens and do some progress for the quality life for them, (Taufikur Rahman, 2012). So, the companies sometimes have programs volunteer such as volunteer teacher for the inland village for advance of read interest village kids they provide nomad library. And sometimes they do rubbish levy as a direct action to the environment. The volunteer activities are happen because of the companies indicate responsible to their society.
In new era of the day, CSR is part of the companies strategy. They do beneficial programs for society, they care about education world, the health world, saving the environment and forest, and do many volunteers. The companies who have CSR programs for their strategy business are the companies that do ethical act, its mean that they prove that they have rule for their business, because of not only for their beneficial but also they are aware about the responsible for they have made in their business activities.

Sources :
Rahman, Taufikur. CSR, Power Point Slides. Lingkungan Bisnis dan Hukum, 2012.
Rahman, Taufikur. CSR Current Concept. Power Point Slides. Lingkungan Bisnis dan Hukum, 2012. access October 2012. Web. 

4 komentar:

  1. clap clap clap....
    prok prok prok...

  2. thank you miss.. thank you..
    (gaya kayak manager CSR)

  3. Males bacanya Mbun (embun pagi), lu critain ke gw pake bahasa indonesia yaa... ntr kalo bagus baru gw kasi jempol.. *kipas2naikinkakikeatasmejasambilngupil

  4. wkwkkwk
    aku posting ini juga biar keliatan pinter gitu..wkwkwkwk
    (smg emang pinter beneran, amiin)
